9 Easy Tips for Washing White Clothes

9 Tips for Washing White Clothes

Washing White Clothes – White clothes are quite popular with many people because they are easy to mix and match with any color combination. So do not be surprised if white clothes are often mandatory clothes in the closet.

However, washing and caring for white clothes cannot be done carelessly. White clothes need extra care so that the color does not fade. Not only that, dirt is also prone to leaving stains on white clothes, causing clothes to become dull and yellowish.

If you are able to take care of white clothes properly, then the clothes can last a long time and still look like new. Well, here are some tips for washing white clothes so that the color lasts longer and doesn’t get dull quickly.

Check out the information below!

How to Washing White Clothes

1. Separate white clothes from other clothes

The first step is to separate white clothes from other clothes. Sorting dirty laundry needs to be done so that there are no stains attached to white clothes.

The most important thing to remember is that white clothes need to be separated from red or dark clothes to prevent color fading. Later, white clothes can turn dull and unusable.

2. Don’t pile up dirty clothes in the washing machine

Washing a lot of clothes at once in a washing machine sounds practical. However, this method does not give optimal results.

White clothes will remain dirty and dull. The reason is, when the washing machine is overloaded, there is not enough space between the clothes and the water to clean the stains, soil, and dirt that sticks to the clothes.

Therefore, You need to wash clothes little by little to get maximum results.

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3. Choose the right detergent

You should use a detergent that contains optical brighteners to wash white clothes. This content can make clothes whiter like new clothes.

The content of optical brighteners serves to increase blue light while preventing yellow levels that can make clothes dull. However, don’t put a lot of detergent on the clothes. Because, excess detergent can leave residue on the fabric fibers.

4. Use bleach to washing white clothes

If you feel that detergent is not able to clean the stains on white clothes, then you can add clothes bleach. The ingredients are easy to get because they are used quite often for cooking.

You can add half a cup of borax or one cup of baking soda for one wash. These materials can maximize the results of washing, so white clothes look like new.

5. Rub certain parts of the clothes

Before putting white clothes in the washing machine, you should rub certain parts that are usually a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. These parts start from the collar, armpits, hand folds, and clothing pockets.

Dust and dirt on these parts will be difficult to remove if white clothes are only washed using a washing machine.

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6. Use warm water

Furthermore, it is recommended that you use warm water to wash white clothes. Because, warm water is easier to release sweat and dirt that sticks to clothes.

In addition, warm water can also make white clothes look new. Warm water can lift the dirt that makes clothes look dull.

7. Rinse with vinegar

To get maximum washing white clothes results, you can also rinse clothes using vinegar. Vinegar can remove residue that sticks to clothes.

The method is also easy, you only need to add one cup of white vinegar to the rinse water. After making sure the detergent is released from the fabric fibers, rinse the clothes again using warm water.

8. Check for dirt on clothes

After going through two rinsing processes, you should check the white clothes one by one before drying. If the stain is still there, wash it again immediately to remove the stain.

Do not immediately dry clothes, especially if there are still stains. Because, these stains will be difficult to remove and cause white clothes to become dull.

9. Dry in the sun

Finally, dry white clothes in the sun. Ultraviolet rays from the sun will help brighten white clothes again.

If you are using a tumble dryer, make sure the heat setting is set lower. Excessive heat from the tumble dryer can cause stains and discoloration of the clothes.

Well, that’s nine tips for washing white clothes. Looks hard doesn’t it? If you do all the steps above, it is certain that the white shirt will last and look like new. Good luck!

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